Managing your retirement time, after years of having little extra time due to employment and other obligations, many people find themselves feeling unproductive, bored, or quite simply “useless”. If this cycle is left unaddressed, often times the result is depression and lack of motivation to do anything at all. This can lead to a downward spiral (also known as “the black hole”) that can be avoided if promptly addressed.
Managing your retirement time is an important aspect during your retirement phase. Retirement is supposed to be enjoyed and as such the ability to be able to manage your retirement time is crutial. Some useful tips for effective, healthy time management.
Managing your retirement time, another aspect would be starting a home based business. Anyone can become an entrepreneur and start a home-based business. Starting a home-based business it’s a chance to utilise the skills and expertise in doing something you love and also help other people. With home based business while focusing on particular talents, experiences, interests and background, it’s also important to look at all the different options available in working from the comfort of your home.
Managing your retirement time with a home-based business is useful because, apart from working from the comfort of your home and hours that fit your schedule it also offers a chance to do other things you love while at the same time you are making extra cash.
Starting new relationships and friendship can be another way of managing your retirement life. Remember, retirement offers one of the precious items that is “time”. Life is just too short to be wasted, try to spend time with some old friends or develop some new friendships. It’s a wonderful way to increase someone’s activity/active life which would help to stay physically and mentally fit.
Managing your retirement time well with your new friends, you would also need to plan some activities which everyone would be looking forward to the next meeting such as meeting at different house for afternoon teas etc. However, with this lockdown you can organise virtual chats.
Starting or pursuing a hobby can be another way of managing your retirement time. One thing that can be enjoyed in retirement would be to take new hobbies or revive your preferred hobbies. There are several hobbies which any retired person can do such as regular walking, dancing, reading, maybe starting a book club especially if there is someone who is good in reading/narrating stories, knitting, learning a new language, these are all ways that can improve your social life and also help you to learn new skills.
However, it’s vital to take into account that , you shouldn’t limit yourself to the ones listed above. There’s a big wide world of things out there so come up with some of your own ideas and enjoy your retirement. Retire with Drive!
New Hobby Knitting
Start a Writer’s Group/Club
Starting a writer’s group or club can be another way managing your retirement time. Remember to start writing you only need thoughts and imaginations. Put your over flowing thoughts and imaginations on paper for other people to read, rather than piling them in your head, put them to use. Writing can not only help to keep the writer busy it also help to beat isolation or loneliness and keep company as you would be busy making noise with your laptop keyboard and pouring out your thoughts and skills.
A writer’s group is also one way of being supportive to community of like-minded writers to purse their dreams to perfect their art and craft of writing. Members will also help each other by offering advice, new ideas, information and providing positive criticism which help writers improve and enhance their writing skills.
Writing provides opportunities to meet new people, break the boredom cycle and share stories, etc. It’s worth noting that starting something new can be daunting initially, but it is something you have been thinking about and you love it then go for it and do it. What are you waiting for? Start to be productive and use your abilities to visualize and implement.
Holiday can be one way of managing your retirement time well. I know there are some people, the word holiday is a bit haunting and it’s a difficult one as it’s not in their vocabulary. When someone mentions holiday, the thought that pop-up is how much will it cost? or Why do I need to go on holiday I am retired now. Change of scenery and weather can improve your health and attitude too.
Travel with family and friends and visit places you’ve never been before. There are so many wonderful places to go whether you stay close to home or travel abroad. Some people think holiday or vocation is travelling back to your country of original visiting relatives etc. Yes, it’s holiday, but while you’re there, there’s a lot to be done or taken care of especially people from Africa. Relatives, distant ones and close ones, neighbours etc everyone will come up with their problems. Just ask yourself is that holiday or working vocation whatever you call it.
So when you retire with drive, go places and meet new people enjoy your precious commodity – time.
Grandchildren and other children
It’s been said or it’s a well know fact that being around children can help to keep you young. It’s always a big joy being surrounded by grandchildren or any children. Many of those with grandchildren would likely agree with this statement. If you don’t have grandchildren, or if they don’t live nearby, try a few alternatives like volunteering to read at a library story-time session.
Another idea might be to volunteer once or twice a week at a local primary school; perhaps as a teacher’s assistant (please seek clarification and clearance from your local council) This is also a sure-fire way to boost your activity level!
Someone may asked, why do I need to start learning at this age when I am retired. Many retired people can choose to take a class or attend a seminar in something they find interesting. It could be anything from learning a new language to photography to a fitness class. Check to see what’s available in your area. And don’t forget as a retired people there is that added advantage the senior citizens discount, so be sure to check if available!
General Health and Wellbeing
Self-care involves all areas of our being; physically, mentally, spiritually. Each of these areas are interconnected and make up who we are as a person. Because all are equally important, it’s necessary to maintain proper care in all three spheres. This varies from person-to-person based on individual needs, but generally speaking, good nutrition, adequate sleep and exercise are great places to start.
If you have difficulty finding a balance you feel comfortable with, try some new things to see what “fits”. If this doesn’t work, consider speaking to a professional for recommendations.
Above all, find what works for you and DO IT! This is YOUR LIFE, so take control, get out there and LIVE IT!!
Healthy eating would be one way of controlling and enjoying your meals. You can manage these healthy meals by using a slow cooker. Slow cooking is one of the healthiest methods of cooking. Here is one of the best slow cookers.