
Fighting for Your Idea or Dream?

Why are you fighting for your idea or dream? You have an idea or a long waited dream, but you are fighting within yourself. You keep on dreaming, if I do this and that it will be this or that! Just ask yourself when will this dream of yours materialise or it will be forever in your head and you’ll eventually take it to the richest place on earth?

You have been working all your life now you are retired with all that wealth of experience and skills. You definitely have a lot of awesome and very useful ideas and dreams. Why are you fighting your brilliant ideas? Is it because you are not sure how to go about implementing your idea. Don’t worry there is a very simple solution. Get something that will help you put down all your brilliant ideas. Get a laptop.

Perhaps you are fighting for idea or dream because you do not know where to start putting across your ideas. However, with a laptop you will be able to put in writing all your rough ideas. Every time you remember something just write down. You can have several documents saved on your laptop. Once you have all the required information, there is help on how to put down your proposal. What is required is information.

Sometimes people are not sure whether to pursue their dream or just waiting for someone to give them a push. Just ask yourself you have something very promising and that may be very useful and helpful to others. However, due to fear of either people may laugh or just dismiss as a useless idea, you bury your awesome idea inside your head. Why keep on fighting your idea or dream. Put your idea into action.

Do not allow the fear of the unknown to take control of your dreams and awesome ideas. Remember, once you let fear take over your life, it will also be a determining factor in what you would like to achieve. As such do not let fear flourish and destroy your wonderful your dreams. With determination and persistence, you can always achieve what you want and live the life you desire.

It is important to realize that to beat or overcome fear is a challenge, however, that challenge can be accomplished by you alone and you can become a winner. You should try as much as you can to have confidence and belief in yourself and you will accomplish your mission of overcoming your fear.

It is vital to note that it’s not a crime or wrong to do the right thing, that is putting your idea into action. Actually putting your ideas into action wouldn’t be a bad idea but a very healthy one. However, it can only be the right path if you plan and implement it, not just writing down smart goals and leaving them until tomorrow which will never come. You may with to ask yourself as a retiree, how many times have you missed an opportunity which you couldn’t grab with both hands, instead you had those assumed to be wonderful and justified excuses.

However, all these excuses and you know this and that can mostly be due to lack of confidence and fear which sometimes can create some negative attitude towards yourself. Take action to overcome your fear.

Overcoming Fear

Fighting for your idea or dreams? Why can’t you overcome that fight it’s because of the fear you have developed into yourself. You don’t trust yourself that you can do something awesome.

I will tell you my story, during this lockdown, I became very restless as I am that person who doesn’t like to sit down and watch TV the whole day. Now with lockdown, I had to do something to keep myself busy. I start knitting, I made some children outfits such as dresses and skirts and hats for adults, but I couldn’t dare show anything to anyone. My fear was that people would laugh or make jokes of my knitting.

Then, one day I went to buy yarn, I was putting on one of my hats. This young lady looked at my hat and said oh! that is a nice hat. After hearing that remark, I gained some courage and told her it was my creation. She asked if I was selling them, I said I haven’t tried selling them. She said you know you can sell them they are nice hats.

When I went home I took some photos of the hats and send them to some of my friends. People loved them and I have a few orders now to make some as Christmas gifts for their loved ones.

Nowadays, I just ask myself why didn’t tell people that I was knitting, it was because of fear and lack of confidence in what I was doing. Please do not let fear control your life.

take charge of your life and start living the way you desire.

Below are some of my creations, you may wish to order one.

For those who love cooking there is also a chance for you to case show your expertise in producing mouth-watering dishes. You can start writing recipes and methods on how to make those dishes. Remember you don’t need to be an expert in writing. The easiest way would be to produce a dish and write some explanations of how you can arrive at that lovely dish. You don’t need to use the measurement such as ounces etc. You can use a cup measurement.

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